Friday, June 4, 2010

Strengthening from within - strengthening the communication process with TimeMerlin!

The ultimate goal of the business is to succeed. Identification of this core need is simple, what is more complex is the way to consider the factors that affect the overall output. The overall output depends upon performance which in turn depends upon how effecient and effective the internal processes of an organiation are. One of the most important internal process that most of the times goes ignored or overlooked is internal communication.

TimeMerlin makes the communication a linear process. The manager and other concerned persons gets to know the complete thought process of an individual working on the project. It breaks down the barriers of the distance.

True insight into performance comes when we complement raw data with quantitative data. Thus it is imperative that an organization spends some time on documenting the communication (raw data) which can be later translated into the numbers to evaluate the over all performance. With more and more virtualization happening around the globe; the concept of "one office team" is shrinking. The teams are spread not only across various offices but also various geographic locations. The more quickly an organizatiion can identify the linking factor, the more easily they can control the communication and hence their internal processes. A platform should exist where all the indiviual performers and team members are able to submit the details of the modules they are working upon. In a layman's language, all the employees should submit their timesheets. These timesheets are the raw data and these can be analysed to reflect the employee productivity which in turn reflects into an organization's performance.