Thursday, August 26, 2010

Timesheets and more!

TimeMerlin offers employee time management software solutions for employee time sheets, status reports and project tracking. Used in SME's, TimeMerlin can offer managers timely information when assessing time and cost budgets of any project.

TimeMerlin not only helps you to manage your multiple projects with its much appreciated employee time sheets and status reports but also it helps to track holiday time, expenses, invoicing and performance reviews.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Employees

It has been a constant endeavour of most employers to have not only satisfied employees but also happy employees.
 Leaving the productivity and efficiency apart, happy employees help to maintain a time of wonderful cheer around. It is very important for an organization to have  a test of happiness at the time of interview. Test of happiness is as important as an 'aptitude test' or a 'behaviourial test'. Happy people become happy employees. As a part f hiring process in our organization, I have tried to include several questions that gauge happiness level. Very simple questions like 'what can  make you happy?" are a good start for happiness conversation. I have framed questions as I go - on the basis of the responses only. It is rigorous act; one response leading to the next question and so on. Generally people who gather pleasures from small things in life will remain happy in any given situation.
I believe happiness is transmitted by happy people only. It is infectious, Similarly unhappiness is highly contagious too.
Despite being extra cautious in making the right decision at the time of hiring, unhappy and stale people still penetrate in; what is the best way to handle them? I have struggled and have realized that something that an organization can help overcome employee unhappiness and to help generate positivity and happiness is by creating a happy environment. A positive environment will ensure people value their job and that will keep them satisfied. This will help to continue to keep workers productive, but at the same time help in creating a happy place to work. If the working environment is positive, then the workers will be positive as well. So ambience of the organization  should reflect positivity and encouragement. Keep it lively and vibrant.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TimeMerlin invokes latent magician in you!!

Don't expect TimeMerlin application to be a magic wand, but be prepared for something more strange. It helps to invoke your latent capabilites and gradually transform you into "Magician" who charms and controls with its simplicity.