Friday, September 24, 2010

Common wealth games 2010

Commonwealth Games 2010 in India has actually turned out good feed for writers, numerologists (read the article), astrologists who have now written and analyzed it extensively its scandalous and sordid affairs. But I have been more interested in it for its lesser known facts about the poor project management  and improper employee and contractor schedule . Gaps were tremendous; employee scheduling should have their number one priority task because labor is not a shortage in India and if the employees and contractors had been scheduled properly for the various projects the situation for their over time would not have arrived at first place or would not have been so critical that now almost every project is running overtime. Poor employee and contractor time management led to uncontrolled expenses as well. The committe should have spent about 50% of time on management and planning of the various projects and rest 50% on execution. Proper project management and expense management would have been a good answer to all those corruption allegations on the committee. Actually even if they had taken bribes in all those handshakes but would have delivered the best and in time, I am sure even press would have also ignored all those handshakes.Failure to deliver what you promised is not forgiven easily! So wake up all the corporates take your project managers and management more seriously.